Process Over Fear
scribbles on a random piece of scratch paper
Often when starting a project or goal, fear or hesitancy creeps in.
Whether it’s personal, work related or a pie-in-the-sky dream, questions can arise, “Am I good enough? Am I competent enough? Can I focus to the end? What if I fail?”
Like the old school Whac-A-Mole arcade game, energy is spent trying to smash all the negativity down.
Sometimes doing a new thing requires a different set of questions-ones that redirect energy away from fear and toward the process.
Questions such as- Is there any truth to the fears?
Do I really want to do this? How badly do I want to?
How will I arrange my life so I can do this-because I want to do this.
And, also to remember that it can be done in increments, it doesn’t have to be imagined all at once.
Taking some time to think back on the consistency of God throughout your life can be helpful.
Practice trusting God in the process. Then, no matter what the outcome is, growth and transformation can be experienced.
Love to every dreamer, creator and new beginner.